Before issuing points for an event, you must first register the event using the Register Off-Chain Event API. This is a one-time process for each unique event.

Absinthe’s off-chain points API allows any project the freedom to issue, query, update, and delete points for any off-chain action.

You can test-drive the API in our interactive graphql playground here.

You will need an API key to set in an authorization header. If you don’t have one yet, reach out to the Absinthe team here to get you one.

Setting The Authorization Header

Before being able to introspect the schema through our interactive graphql playground or through a direct call, you will need to set the API key as an authorization header via this format:

{"Authorization": "Bearer <INSERT_KEY_HERE>"}

Endpoint URL



The client_season and added_by fields are visible via the gql queries but cannot be manually modified through mutations.