Users often face a common challenge:

Common User Scenario

“I keep my NFTs in cold storage, use a hot wallet for swaps, and prefer a burner wallet for airdrops to mitigate risks. How can I manage all these on a single platform?”

Absinthe addresses this by allowing users to consolidate all their activity under a unified profile. This creates a comprehensive overview of a user’s participation across their profiles.

Users can link up to 11 wallets and one account per social media platform (e.g., one Twitter, one Discord, one GitHub) to their profile.

Primary Wallet

Each profile designates one connected wallet as the primary wallet. This wallet:

  • Identifies the profile on the leaderboard
  • Must be used for claiming rewards
  • Is set by default for the first wallet

After a campaign ends and the reward snapshot is taken, changing the primary wallet is not permitted.

How To Set Up

You can toggle all possible connection options through the configurator by selecting your season and going to Dashboard > Connection Options.