The configurator allows you to set metadata for your site which is used when showing information in search engines as well as previews on social platforms like X (Twitter) and Telegram.

You can find these settings in the configurator under the Website Metadata tab.

Setting the Title and Description

The title and description are what will give a description when users search the site in Google or another search engine.

The title will also be used to give the “title” of the tab, next to the favicon.

Setting the Favicon

The favicon is a square image .svg or .png that will display as a small icon for the users browser tab.


OpenGraph is a protocol that enables web pages to become rich objects in social media platforms. It changes what appears when shared on social networks by specifying metadata such as title, description, and preview image.

The title and description from above will also be used when generating the OpenGraph metadata.


To set the preview image, upload a 1200x630 png image.


Set the OpenGraph creator Twitter handle by inserting the project’s Twitter handle.

If your preview link is not updating in Telegram, you need to manually trigger a cache reset. Message the webpage bot (@webpagebot) and send it your link to update the preview image!

Google Analytics

Absinthe supports tracking webpage visits through Google Analytics when the G-Tag is provided.