Example: Automatically issue points to KOLs when they make an Eventbrite event using Zapier and Absinthe’s API.

Setting Up EventBrite New Event Listener

To reward KOLs with points when they create Events, you’ll need to set up a Zap in Zapier that listens for new message events and then triggers a point issuance through Absinthe’s API.

IMPORTANT: The event UUID should be used instead of the event name. Please disregard this section in the Loom.

Here is a Loom helping you walk through each step! https://www.loom.com/share/cfb0018a890c4935a8fe8388908cdc5b?sid=4428acc1-48c6-4c10-a422-d1ae798f46e3


Create a New Zap in Zapier

Log in to your Zapier account and click on “Create Zap”.


Choose Eventbrite as the Trigger App

Search for “Eventbrite” in the app selection and choose it as your trigger app.


Select the 'New Event' Event

From the list of Eventbrite events, select “New Event”.


Connect Your Eventbrite Acount

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to connect your Eventbrite Account to Zapier. Follow the prompts to authorize Zapier to access your Eventbrite Account.


Choose the Eventbrite Org

Select the specific Eventbrite Org you want to monitor for New Events.


Test the Eventbrite Trigger

Zapier will attempt to find a recent event created to test the trigger. If successful, proceed to the next step.


Register Event Name on Points API

Register the event name that you want to issue points for. The event UUID returned will be used in the Event UUID section in the step above.

Copy and paste the following query into the GraphQL playground at https://dka7gqe6jrgst.cloudfront.net/absinthe-gql.html Add your desired event name and description! Make sure to add your API key in the Authorization header in the Headers section as shown.

IMPORTANT: You must save the returned UUID from the response for that event. Insert this UUID into the “EVENT NAME” field when setting up your Zap!


Add a 'Run JavaScript' Action

For the action step, search for and select “Run JavaScript” by Zapier.


Set Up the JavaScript Action Data

In the Input Data field of the Run JavaScript action, you’ll set the key name to a recognizable name of your choice, for example: organizer_id and set the value to the Organizer Id from the value field dropdown.


Set Up the JavaScript Action Code

In the Code field of the Run JavaScript action, you’ll paste and modify the provided JavaScript code to issue points through Absinthe’s API. Insert the API KEY we provided you to the “bearerToken” variable in the code where it says “your_api_token_here”. Then, set up the amount of points to issue, and the event UUID in the code as marked. You will also need to have your KOL’s send you their ID’s on eventbrite as well as their wallet address, and then you will need to map each organizerId to a wallet address to issue points to them. This is explained in the attached Loom.

By following this guide, you can create a seamless integration between your Eventbrite Org and the Absinthe points system, automatically rewarding users for their engagement within your community.